Multi Cultural Teams

Multinational companies operate across borders, using teams composed of people coming from different countries representing different cultures.

People from different cultures might have many things in common. However, differences might also lead to frictions and difficulties and identifying common goals and methods may be a challenge.

© THE TEAM 2015
© THE TEAM 2015

Our training does not avoid the question of cultural differences – it puts it in the centre of attendance.

We look together at constants throughout different cultures using the analytical tools developed by eminent experts like Geert Hofstede and we use the hands-on experience of the participants to visualize similarities and differences; we develop together methods of understanding each other.

In practical exercises we look at the emotional side of being exposed to the unknown and develop strategies of dealing with it.

A final stage leads to ways of mastering challenges as a group, to identify common objectives and to see diversity as chance.

Training for multi-cultural teams is designed individually. Please contact us for further advice .



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